Friday, July 8, 2011


So as it turns out, starting a blog when you're in the final count down to your wedding is not the best of ideas.  I've been a very busy woman the past couple of months, but here is a brief rundown of the highlights:
  • I have a niece!  Aubree Jade came to us on May 4th!
  • My little sister graduated high school... and is going to Doane!  I'm so proud of her for taking a chance on being different and going off to school all on her own.  It was the best thing I ever did!
  • We moved to a different apartment in York over Memorial Day weekend.
  • I got married!!!  It was a beautiful day :)  Thank you to all of our friends and family that helped make it so special!
  • Ricky and I went to Mexico for our honeymoon, which was amazing :)
Since the wedding, things have started to slow down for us and I have had a lot more time to relax and get back to some things I enjoy that have been neglected in the hustle of life and getting married.  Here is another brief rundown of what is to come:
  • Being a married woman!  Ricky and I have adjusted well to married life so far I would say, but I'm so excited for what is to come!
  • Getting plugged into a church here in York.  We have had a hard time with this in the past few months, because we've spent a lot of time back in Kansas getting ready for the wedding.
  • Practicing with my camera and taking pictures.  Ricky gets more pictures taken of him than he likes, but that's just too bad. 
  • Harry Potter :)
  • Vegetables from our garden.  Ricky has a little green thumb!
And of course, I'll try to do better blogging!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

auto fill

I love when you click on a box to type in information and it tries to auto fill you want to type. For instance, I clicked on the title box for this blog and blogger provided a drop down box for my convenience.  Here are a few of my favorites from the list:

how long does it take for a hitmonlee egg to hatch

how do you get a magmarizer

how do you make chansey evolve

Needless to say I am using Ricky's computer and I have no idea what any of those things mean...  As interesting as they are, I don't think they would make very good titles for blogs.  But thanks anyway, Blogger.

And I now forgot the real reason I was going to blog.

Better luck next time...

Saturday, April 16, 2011


I feel like I may have started a blog before at some point, but that obviously failed.  Blogger didn't recognize my email address, so I suppose it's a good time to start fresh.

I have been on a real "path to self discovery" lately... maybe rediscovery would be a more appropriate word.  It has nearly been a year since I graduated college and, as expected, the real world has proven to be pretty cruel at times.  I was lucky to have landed my "dream job" right out of college as an adoption caseworker for foster children.  Five months later, we were herded into a moldy, claustrophobic room and told that our jobs were being contracted out to a private agency.  My dream job was no longer mine, so I had to look at other options.  I was lucky to be hired at a bank down the street from my apartment, and I really enjoy the work... but my sense of identity is a little off balance, as I am working in a profession way outside of my college degrees and interests.  Unfortunately, this means my "sense of identity" has started to revolve solely around my career... and that is, quite frankly, really unsatisfying. 

Being an adult with adult responsibilities has left me with little time to do the things I used to love:  reading, writing, and enjoying music.  "Growing up" has also shown me I have a passion for a few new things that I want to devote more time to:  photography, baking, and working out.  My goal in starting this blog is to be able to remind myself that I need to slow down and enjoy the things I am passionate about.  God has blessed all of us with many desires and talents, and I feel in order to be the wife, friend, sister, woman He has called me to be, I need to start embracing all aspects of my life and rediscover the things that truly make me happy... 

Stay tuned :)